0. Questions/Concerns
1. Conserving AUs
2. Acoustic Modeling at 50k feet
A. train a decision tree to "state-tie" certain triphones together
B. train an HMM for each triphone where the transition probabilities are modeled by GMM (`pdf`)
- typically 3-5 states
- way of dealing with dipthongs?
C. given a frame, find the most representative `pdf`
3. Three Acoustic Models
A. Monophones
- quality of model not important
- poor alignment, but a "good start" that will be bootrapped
B. Triphones
- model context of triphones
- require "state tying" because the number of triphones is too large
- done by decision tree, asking "questions" about left and right context
C. Triphones + LDA_MLLT
- a transformation of the triphone model
- for what purpose?
4. Highlights of `exp` dir
A. the `mdl` file
5. Intuitions about acoustic modeling
A. number of Gaussians
B. number of leaves
5. Next week
A. openFST: http://www.openfst.org/twiki/bin/view/FST/WebHome
B. revisit our `ARPA` language model as an `FST`
Week 6 Agenda
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