1. Introductions
a. why you're here
b. course purpose and schedule
c. using forum
2. Atmosphere Stuff
a. Make sure to use `medium2` instance
b. Understanding Allocation Units (AUs)
- 2304 AUs equates to: 4 CPU machine running 24 hours for 24 days. So if you use instances and suspend them when not in use that'll give you compute for whole month except for 6 days.
c. Suspend v. Shutoff v. Shelf
- see this wiki page to understand the differences
3. Backing up to a Volume
a. https://github.com/michaelcapizzi/kaldi … e-optional
4. Steps to access instance, docker, jupyter
a. Accessing instance
- `ssh -L [port]:localhost:[port] [username]@[ip]` --> you are telling your local machine to pay attention to `port X` on the instance
- if you see error with port in use, run these two steps
1. `sudo lsof -i:[port]` --> will tell you which processes are running on the `port`
2. `sudo kill -9 [PID]` --> will kill the processes running on that `port`
3. exit instance and rerun `ssh` command
- get in the habit of `git pull` to make sure you have any updates made to the codebase
b. Accessing docker
- from `/scratch/kaldi`, `./start_container.sh` --> starts the container
c. Accessing jupyter
- from `egs/INSTRUCTIONAL/`, `./start_jupyter.sh` --> starts the `jupyter` notebook
- copy the `url` and paste into local browser
5. Adding Michael and Blake access to instance
a. Run this command from your instance: `sed -i.bak -E "s%(users:x:[0-9]+:[a-z,]+)%\1mcapizzi,bjoyce3,%" /etc/group`
6. Using `tmux`
a. https://github.com/michaelcapizzi/kaldi … x-optional
7. File Structure of `kaldi` repo
a. https://www.eleanorchodroff.com/tutoria … ation.html
8. What to expect next week
Week 0 Agenda
Posts 1 to 4 of 4
Share12018-01-09 17:52:30
Share22018-01-12 22:45:54
Another way to kill a Docker instance if you get the error with port in use:
docker ps
will show you your currently running Docker instances, including an ID:
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 5f8ffa848e6b mcapizzi/kaldi_instructional "/bin/bash" 15 hours ago Up 15 hours>8880/tcp blissful_elion
docker kill 5f8ffa848e6b
will kill the Docker instance with the given ID.
That should allow you to start a new Docker container with the same port.
Share32018-01-16 00:14:36
I just ran notebook "0_1" and did run_sh with -n 4. It was a lot faster, something like 30-45 minutes.
Share42018-01-17 00:34:58
I just ran notebook "0_1" and did run_sh with -n 4. It was a lot faster, something like 30-45 minutes.
Yes! Since we have 4 CPUs on our instance, you can do that. Anything larger than 4 probably won't make a difference though.